Playing dumb doesn’t work at work (or anywhere else, for
that matter). OK, we get that. But is playing smart any wiser?
Career strategists and efficiency experts offer all sorts of
clever techniques and tricks by which an individual may seem even smarter than
he or she may actually be. Here are a few examples.
1. Dress tidily.
Maybe appearances can be deceiving. We’ve all been warned against judging books
by their covers, so to speak. But folks still make such snap decisions. Well-groomed
spells brainy to many. Like it or not, that’s just how it is.
2. Demonstrate
personal organization. Does a messy workstation reflect poorly on a person?
Would onlookers consider such a one as less smart than another with a tidy
workspace? Wrong or right, it just might.
A person doesn’t have to display a solved Rubik’s
Cube, chess
board, or Mensa
membership card on his or her desk to make an enlightened impression. But
clearing the clutter can help.
3. Stay up-to-date on
current events. The idea is that scanning daily headlines (or online
listings of news trends) may make a person more interesting in conversation,
painting that person as being both educated, well-read, and informed.
4. Go for good
grammar. Proper speech need not be stuffy, but it ought to reflect correct
usage of language, if the speaker (or writer) is to create an intelligent
impression. Spell- and grammar-check programs can kick in to kick one’s brainy
credibility up a few notches.
5. Employ the
internal editor. American humorist Mark Twain said, ““It's better to keep
your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.” Maybe he
was thinking of Proverbs 17:28, which says, “Even fools are thought wise if
they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.” Either way,
plenty of people seem smarter when they listen to their own internal filters.
6. Listening pays big
dividends. Here’s another bonus from exercising the ears. Anyone who can
pick up salient points from others’ comments can then tailor the ongoing
communication accordingly. Did the prospective boss (or current manager or
client or other key individual) just describe a weekend of paddleboarding, a
seminar on conflict resolution, or a new market analysis? A savvy listener will
keenly pick up on such details.
Perusing this list, a careful reader will likely realize
that such techniques don’t really make someone appear much smarter, unless that
person actually does possess some smarts in the first place. It takes a modicum
of intelligence to practice these strategies authentically.
Appearances fall apart in time, if they aren’t backed by reality.
On the other hand, hosts of folks are a whole lot smarter
than they likely believe. Maybe it’s time to start realizing that and practice
owning one’s own intelligence.
Maybe self-talk is a
good spot to start.
How about we stop using throw-away statements that demean
our own smarts?
- “I know this is gonna sound crazy, but …”
- “I’d lose my head, if it wasn’t screwed on.”
- “I’m not smart enough to handle this assignment.”
- “I used to think I was smart, but now …”
- “This is probably a dumb suggestion, but …”
- “You’re a whole lot smarter than I am. What do you think about …?”
Hey, you’ve got the smarts, why apologize for them?
That’s not a license to boastfulness, but it is a push
towards intellectual confidence. And that counts for plenty at work.
It’s just smart
Adapted from public domain image.
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